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Series 1200 Variable Area Flow Meter

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Labcal offers flow meters designed specifically for a range of air flow options which are verified at 1013 mbar (absolute) at 20˚C.

The Series 1200 Variable Area Flow Meters utilise a simple method of measuring flow rate whereby the position of the float within the tapered glass tube achieves equilibrium for a particular flow rate. They have exceptional resolution due to a 300 mm nominal tube length and excellent measurement repeatability and reliability.

Key features

·        Direct observation of instantaneous flow rate

·        Industry standard flow ranges

·        Easy to read scale

·        Elegant and robust design

Weight1.5 kg
Dimensions20 × 30 × 40 cm


Inlet / outlet

¼” BSPPF, rear facing inlet, inline outlet

Metering tube

Borosilicate glass, 300 mm

Plumb bob floats

Hard anodised aluminium


± 2% FSD

Flow ranges

0.2-2.5 l/min, 0.5-5.0 l/min, 1.0-10 l/min, 1.0-15 l/min, 2.0-25 l/min


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